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May 1, 2017


Lately, as a family, we have been learning an important lesson about words.

Words can lift up and words can tear down.
You can never take back a word spoken, so speak it carefully.
You don't always have to say what comes to your mind so think before you speak.
Consider the feelings of the person you are talking to.
Harsh words stir up anger. A soft answer turns away wrath.
If your words are not full of grace, don't say them.
A word hastily spoken can cause a lot of damage to someone's reputation.
Only speak words that build up and encourage others.
Sometimes it's better to just say nothing..... Nothing at all.
Your mouth speaks what is in your heart.
We will give account to God for every careless word we speak.

Words are so easy to speak yet they have so much power.
Put a guard over my mouth O Lord!
Help me to only speak words that will bring glory to You!

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