Laura and I giving a long overdue hug.
Josiah and Ruth Ella meeting for the first time.
It took no time at all for everyone to make up for lost time.
The Munck littles were ready to wear off some energy after many hours in the van,
and our littles were more than happy to accompany them :)
The older kids did not delay in picking right up where they left off from
saying our goodbyes a few months earlier.
Arthur jumped right in and helped out with whatever needed to be done.
He was such a big help to the guys.
Arthur and Mark
Arthur and Josh
This was a common sight.
So cute to see how much fun these 3 had together.
L-R: Brooke, Wesley and Mikaya
On Sunday we had brunch.....look at that load of waffles!
It was a joy to hear the cheerful chatter around the meal tables.
After the Munck family left our table felt so empty :)
After brunch we enjoyed some worship time together.

The weather was amazing during the Munck's entire visit.
It was so nice for all the kids to be able to spend a lot of time outside.
They were on the go from wake up to sleep time.
On Sunday we had our first campfire of the season.
The men did a great job of cooking the meal. And Mark even did most of the dishes! (with the help of the fire:)
Nathan and William
The little threesome once again!
Just for fun we made some perogies one day.
They were very yummy :)

Jennifer and Elizabeth rolling, rolling, rolling!
All fried and done to perfection.

For city gals :) Elizabeth, Rebekah and Amanda did a great job at diggin' right in!
In this picture they literally dug in as they were wading up to the top of
their boots in muddy manure! They were a great help. Well.....
except for the 2 (I won't mention any names) that got stuck....
yes, really stuck and had to be pulled out.
It was so funny to see the cows looking at the stuck girls.
You could just see them thinking "City Girls!"
Seriously, they were great sports and I overheard that they would love to come help and move
cattle around again next year..... right girls? :)
Many hours were spent playing football.
I think by the time the Munck's left everyone was quite sore.
But the plan is, next time they get together......
there will be a football game....or two.....or three.....
And to add to the football fun, the Penner family came for a visit and
joined in the game.
so an afternoon was spent riding.
Even Arthur rode.....the girls said he rode like a pro!
and helping out around the house.
Lots of work gets done fast with this many girls :)
L-R : Rebekah, Jennifer & Amanda
At the end of this hard work day it was time to shoot off some rockets.
Look way, way up!
Just to add to all the excitement, our newest tractor was delivered.
Not sure what the delivery guy thought of his audience :)
And then all too soon it was time for our traditional family picture before departure.
And a silly one :)
L-R : Rebekah, Kerri, Amanda, Megan, Elizabeth & Jennifer
Lots and lots of hugs were given.
I can't even explain what a hard moment this was.
We felt like part of our hearts were going back to Tennessee.
And the only thing that made this parting bearable was knowing that, Lord willing,
we will see them all again in a few months.
And until then, hearing their voices will have to do!
Thank you to the Munck family for a memorable visit.
We love you ALL :)